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    Talent ~ Content ~ Consultation

    immersive interactive services

  • talent

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    Metaforyou specialize in interpersonal dynamics design focusing on optimizing guest interactions

    From personal/private events to large brand activations, Metaforyou are pioneers in enhancing Brand Ambassador, Atmosphere Model, and Event Staff positions with immersive persons, and have a unique understanding of how to strategize and optimize interactive social dynamics for live events to make your guest experience more immersive.


    We’re the immersive event boosting company.

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    Our team has years of unparalleled experience devising and performing in acclaimed and award-winning immersive interactive theatrical shows and installations. We bring these skills, experience, and extensive talent network to provide memorable moments and interactions custom catered to any event.

  • content

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    Amazing things happen when people experience immersive theater.

    They are suddenly awakened into the now, into being present, into this singular precious moment which will never be repeated.

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    We have created characters, storylines and interactive games for activations and events to help clients create engaging and memorable moments for their guests to experience within their happening.

    We are excited to help you create the right custom content for your project.

  • consultation

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    the secret weapon to our clients' success 

    We know immersive interactive, and understand how the dynamics of this form exist in every event and occasion. Much of the magic of immersive relies on proper world building and specific audience instruction, and we know how to effectively apply this to any event. If you already have an immersive interactive project, or would like to incorporate these dynamics into your event, our team is experienced and adept at training and troubleshooting to enhance these dynamics, and help make your event run smoother, boost depth, and be more engaging and compelling.

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    Our team at #metaforyou are veteran performers, creators, and participants, within the immersive theater scene in Los Angeles and beyond. Actors, writers, and directors who have first hand experienced the joy that comes with these special, unique moments in immersive productions, and can bring their unique appreciation and knowledge to help your project.

  • custom immersive interactive SERVICES PROVIDED for:

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  • ready to elevate your event experience?

    connect with us and let's bring your immersive event to life!

  • The Immersive 5

    with Terence Leclere

  • No proscenium podcast

    noah nelson talks with Terence Leclere and Dasha Kittredge about #metaforyou

  • Become immersed

    Bringing Immersive Home: An Exclusive Interview with the Mind Behind #Metaforyou

  • Voyage LA magazine

    Meet Dasha Kittredge of Metaforyou

  • 2018 No proscenium podcast

    noah nelson talks with Terence Leclere about #metaforyou back when we first got started

  • Connect With Us

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